I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to try one as being someone with super dry skin and really hating that 'tight' skin feeling as it dries after showers, but also hating the greasy residue left by body lotions, you would have thought it'd be high on my 'To- Try' list. But i think i just had such low expectations of the in shower varieties of moisturisers, i didn't even consider it.
My skin has been feeling the benefits over time as well. I had some really bad dry patches on my shoulders from scarring and nothing i ever did seemed to truly do much for this. And for the first couple of times of using this moisturiser, i must admit it did very little to relieve this. But over time, i have noticed that it's gotten much better and much less noticeable which is always a huge bonus for me, and makes me feel like it does do something worthwhile and has a lasting nourishing effect for my skin.
The cream itself has very little scent. It's supposed to contain cocoa butter and i can for sure say that it does have a very very mild smell of chocolate but overall nothing overpowering or at all sickly. You can barely smell it when you apply it in the shower and it might as well be scentless which is a good thing for me as i like to be able to smell my amazing body shop shower gels and I'd have to swap these out if the smell of another body product was overpowering or obscuring the fruity scents. I'm sure if you had a good look round the store, there would be different scents available and I've seen a honey one i have my eye on from the same line as the scent is so subtle, i don't mind trying something different.
It's a very thick consistency but when it is applied onto wet skin, it spreads really lovely and feels really gorgeous on the skin. I like to leave mine on for about a minute or so once applied so i can feel the full benefits afterwards but it works very well when I'm in a hurry as well. It is as easy as apply, rinse and dry and it is effective.
My only bug bear with this product is that it is quite pricey and you don't get all that much. Don't get me wrong, it's lasted me a while. But it's only for me. If you were sharing it with your family or partner, this would not last long at all. And for the full price, i would like a little more product. But i can't argue as i got it so cheap on offer, but i will be on the look out for a bigger product or a cheaper version that's just as good, as i feel like it's quite a simple product and although i wouldn't be without it, i'm still a bit of a skin flint when it comes to skin care and shower products.
Overall, this has completely overhauled the way i shower and apply body care after and i couldn't be without it anymore. I'd definitely recommend these products and I'm going to try and pick up a few others over time to see if it is pretty consistent across the brands or whether it's just this product from this specific brand.
Thanks for reading guys,
Jo x
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